During mating season the mail boobies wave their feet around to attract the females. Females normally pick the male with the most striking blue feet. When the mating ritual happens blue footed boobies swing their legs in a circular motion while walkin around the females. When male Boobies are ready to mate there feet go a lighter shade of blue. Males do everything they can so that the females will notice their feet. In the mating ritual the male and female both dance around together with the bill's pointed to they sky and the male flaps his wings in and out, the male also bring materials for a nest. The couple don't make much of a nest the female just lays one to three eggs in a hole.
Blue footed boobies generally live together in big colonies and each pair of boobies generally have a brood which is their child. When the egges are layed both parents keep the egg's warm by standing over them with their feet.
When the egg's hatch the chicks must stay close to their parents because boobies don't retrieve chicks that go astray. The parents will feed and protect their chicks until they are two months old, by then the the young boobies can look after themselves and start the cycle again.
here is a short video of a male booby doing the mating dancing showing off his feet.